Galaxy Fight Club: NFT-Based Cross-IP PVP Fighting Game

Galaxy Fight Club is a cross-IP, cross-platform (PC + Mobile) PvP fighting game where holders of different NFT collections can battle with each other.

Galaxy Fight Club: NFT-Based Cross-IP PVP Fighting Game
Galaxy Fight Club

What is Galaxy Fight Club game?

Galaxy Fight Club, or GFC, offers a unique gaming experience by combining NFT collections and PVP fighting gameplay. Players can import their NFT collections, including popular ones like Cyberkongz, Deadheads, and Crypto Raiders, to battle each other and earn rewards in this cross-IP game.

How to play Galaxy Fight Club game?

Key Gameplay Features:

  1. Fighter Categories: The GFC game features three categories of fighters: Genesis Galaxy Fighters, 2nd Generation Fighters, and Avatars from major NFT collections. Each category offers diverse playstyles and customization options.

  2. Game Modes: GFC offers four game modes: Team (3v3), Solo (1v1), Custom, and Training mode. Custom mode allows players to create private lobbies for matches with friends or tournaments. Training mode provides a practice environment against bots.

  3. Weapons and Upgrades: Weapons play a crucial role in a character's power level, with rarity and tier determining their strength. Weaker weapons can be combined with $GCOIN to forge higher-tier weapons.

Galaxy Fight Club game

Galaxy Fight Club game Review

A Promising Concept with Room for Improvement

Galaxy Fight Club crypto game introduces an exciting concept by integrating NFT collections into its gameplay, offering utility to supported collections. The game provides an easy-to-pick-up but challenging-to-master gaming experience.

However, GFC game falls short in maintaining long-term engagement. The game modes lack diversity and innovation, all essentially boiling down to deathmatch gameplay. This lack of variety may lead to repetitiveness over time.

Additionally, gameplay can feel clunky at times, with occasional movement glitches and hitbox registration issues. The absence of communication options with team members during matches can hinder teamwork.

Despite these shortcomings, Galaxy Fight Club stands as a promising entry in the web3 gaming landscape, offering a unique fusion of NFT ownership and fighting gameplay.


  1. Different fighter races and customization options.
  2. Free-to-play and earn mechanics.
  3. Cross-IP integration with NFT collections.
  4. Attractive graphics, map designs, and audio.


  1. Limited variety in game modes.
  2. Dull menus and user interface.
  3. Lack of in-match communication options.
  4. No means for free-to-play players to earn $GCOIN.

Galaxy Fight Club game official website: